
FC Men's Breakfast

FC Men's "All You Can Eat" Breakfast
Saturday, May 2nd - 8:00am
FC Activity Center
$5 per person
Tickets can be purchased at the door.


New Men's Life Group Study:

Our next study beginning on Wednesday, May 6, 2009 and will feature financial expert Dave Ramsey. This study will continue for 3 weeks and will present biblical advise on how to handle the difficult times we are all facing.
Each week we will be viewing a short 30 minute video and then spend our remaining time discussing the issues and how we can grow from the advice given.

How would you like to see the answer to your prayers?

FC Community Egg Hunt 2009
Many of you joined with us on Wednesday evening for a time of prayer. We focused our prayers for the egg hunt that would be happening today. As we stood in the church parking lot facing towards SV Middle School, we prayed that God would be in everything that we did. Here is a short video of the event. I think you'll agree that God answered your prayers. Thank you for your willingness to pray.


Men's Life Group schedule change for this Wednesday

Just a reminder, that this Wednesday, April 8th (and this Wednesday only) we will be postponing our regular time together to join with the church-wide prayer meeting. Make plans to enjoy dinner with us in the Activity Center then stroll over to the church sanctuary at 6:30pm for a time of united prayer. We need the Men’s Life Groupto represent and show by our actions that we intend to “live the message”. Don’t be thinking that someone else will be there in attendance for you, be there yourself!

I’ll be looking forward to seeing you.


M3 - Home Improvement Video

M3- Men's Micro-Mission
This video will allow you to see the scope of the work done during our first Micro-Mission at Nancy 's home. A special thanks to all the guys that showed up to help for both phases on the project. Live the message!

Quote from Nancy's Facebook page: Rejoicing in the gift of newly refinished hardwood floors in all the bedrooms. Thanks to all the men who performed this labor of love and blessed my family with a "shining" example of God's love expressed through human hands. The floors are beautiful!